Neighbor catches wife on camera as she removes her pants and drops it in husband’s stew whiles cooking

Neighbor catches wife on camera as she removes her pants and drops it in husband’s stew whiles cooking

A neighbor has caught a wife on camera using her pants to cook for her husband.

A neighbor has caught a wife with his phone camera as the wife was using her pants to cook for her husband.

As the wife was cooking, she removed her underpants and dropped it in the food she was cooking.

After making sure the stew has soaked the pant, she called her daughter to bring her father’s bowl as she was ready to serve him.

In some African culture there is a belief that when a man eats or drink a food soaked with liquid from a lady’s pants, they tend to develop unbreakable love for the lady.

Some ladies use this to have control over their men and use them how they live.

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