Momo vendor lands in prison as Boss prosecutes her for sending GH¢30,000 to client instead of GH¢3,000

A momo vendor has landed in prison for sending GH¢30,000 to a client instead of GH¢3,000.

The lady who works as a mobile money vendor mistakenly transferred GH¢30,000 to a client when she was supposed to send GH¢3,000.

Unfortunately she only realised this error in the evening with balancing her books.

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She reached out to MTN who confirmed the transaction but told her the person whom she sent the money to has withdrawn the money.

All attempts made her them to reach the person proved unsuccessful.

The owner of the momo business went into an agreement with the lady’s family to that every month they will pay GH¢1000.

The lady and her family paid the agreed GH¢1000 for 4 months but on the 5th month they could only pay GH¢800.

This angered the boss who made the case a police case and the lady was prosecuted in court.

According to the lady because shock she couldn’t defend herself properly in case and the judge slapped a 2 and half years sentence on her.

To add insult to injury she is expected to pay the money owed the boss.


Crime Check Foundation Spoke To The Lady In The Video Above.

Read Also: Prisoner receiving help from Crime Check Foundation ‘attempts’ to steal phone of his helper

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