Latest U.S lab tests confirms that ‘sunlight’ kills coronavirus quickly

Sunlight contains three types of ultraviolet light – UVA, which tans your skin (and ages it) and can cause eye damage; UVB, which burns and also ages skin; and UVC, which is “the most harmful one” because it’s quite good at destroying genetic material, explains Juan Leon, a virologist who focuses on environmental health at Emory University. Luckily, he notes, the sun’s UVC rays don’t reach us because they are filtered out by Earth’s atmosphere.

Sunlight can be a good disinfectant with other pathogens. Leon notes that’s why in the developing world, the World Health Organization recommends sterilizing water by putting it in plastic containers and leaving it outside in the sun for about 5 hours.

American scientists have confirmed earlier assumptions that the coronavirus does not survive long in high temperatures and humidity.

Experiments conducted by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) show the coronavirus can be ‘quickly’ destroyed by sunlight.

Yahoo News obtained a briefing that suggests the virus cannot survive in high temperatures and humidity on surfaces or in a droplet of saliva – giving the public hope that the end could be just around the corner as summer weather approaches for parts of the world.

The DHS found that simulated sunlight ‘rapidly killed the virus in aerosols,’ while without that treatment, ‘no significant loss of virus was detected in 60 minutes.’

However, the unpublished documents also state that the results have yet to be proven nor does this not mean the world will see a drop in new cases if they are.


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