Funny Face Reveals How His Friend Allegedly Chopped Fella ‘wotowoto’ While She Was Still Married To Medikal

Funny Face reveals how his friend allegedly chopped Fella ‘wotowoto’ while she was still married to Medikal

Funny Face, a comedian from Ghana, has caused a stir on social media by making stunning claims about Fella Makafui. He says that one of his pals had an affair with her when she was still married to Medikal.

Funny Face claims that he is overjoyed that his friend had a sexual encounter with Fella because Medikal had three separate sex encounters with his baby mom Vanessa.

He acknowledged holding onto this knowledge for a while but chose to make it public in a recent, long post.

The so-called “children’s president” conveyed a great deal of annoyance and betrayal, implying that Medikal’s acts were a part of a larger pattern of Vanessa’s adultery.

Read more:Funny Face Reignites Feud With Vanessa, Makes Controversial Claims About Her Past.

Funny Face’s plan to test his twins’ DNA is one of the most shocking aspects of his essay.

The comedian’s suspicion that Medikal may be his children’s biological father adds even more nuance to the already complicated scenario.

Funny Face didn’t end with these charges. Additionally, he made fun of Medikal for being married to the actress Fella Makafui, calling her a “ashawo” in a disparaging manner.

He implied that Fella had divorced him when he said that Medikal’s marital problems were the result of Karma having its way.

He implied that Fella had divorced him when he said that Medikal’s marital problems were the result of Karma having its way.

Although Medikal and Fella Makafui have not yet responded to Funny Face’s accusations, they have undoubtedly drawn attention from the public and media.

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