East Legon Executive Fitness Club Member Gifts Yaw Sarpong Brand New Car

East Legon Executive Fitness Club Member Gifts Yaw Sarpong Brand New Car

A member of the East Legon Executive Fitness Club has gifted Yaw Sarpong a brand new car.

Nana Sarfo, a member of the East Legon Executive Fitness Club has gifted legendary Yaw Sarpong a car.

The legendary gospel musician who has been sick for sometime now trended a couple of weeks ago when his wife dragged him to Auntie Naa with allegations that he’s having an affair with her back up singer Obaa Tiwaa.

Yaw Sarpong denied the allegation and revealed that he’s divorced his wife years ago and that it was the wife herself who left the matrimonial home.

As controversies surrounding the marriage goes down, Nana Sarfo has dashed him a car.

The car was presented to Bishop A.Y Adu, the man of God taking care of Yaw Sarpong.

Read Also:,Opambour Blasts Yaw Sarpong’s ‘wife’ For Dragging Him To A Radio Station

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