Dagombas are the Biblical Philistines, Goliath is a Dagomba man – Osumafuo Kwesi Benyame explains

Osumafuo Kwesi Benyame says the Dagomba people of modern day Ghana are the Philistines in the Bible.

The Prophet says the Dagomba tribe we have in Ghana today are direct descendants to of the Biblical Philistines.

He stated emphatically that the Biblical giant who was killed by David, Goliath was a Dagomba man.

According to Osumafuo Kwesi Benyame the Dagomba people are children of a god called Dagon.

The ‘na’ in the word Dagomba is the Alan word for Child (ba), (Children mba) so Dagomba people are children of the god Dagon according to Osumafuo Kwesi Benyame.


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