Abena Korkor Vows to Expose Afia Schwarzenegger’s ‘Hyp0cr!sy’ Over Fr@ud and Skin Bleaching

Abena Korkor Vows to Expose Afia Schwarzenegger’s ‘Hyp0cr!sy’ Over Fr@ud and Skin Bleaching

After Korkor publicly called out Schwarzenegger in a recent video, Abena Korkor and Afia Schwarzenegger are about to get into a furious argument.

A obviously drunk Abena Korkor accused Schwarzenegger of lying to her uncle and stealing a large sum of money without keeping her half of the bargain in the video.

Schwarzenegger was given a warning by Abena Korkor to keep her word or risk legal action.

Additionally, Korkor declared that she would never pardon Schwarzenegger for accusing her of using narcotics while she was incarcerated in the United States.

Korkor declared there would be no prospect of a reunion and that their animosity would last forever.

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Both of the personalities appear determined to back down, therefore it is likely that the simmering confrontation between them will intensify.

Afia Schwarzenegger and Abena Korkor will soon engage in a protracted and fierce conflict that the public can expect.

To learn more about the developing feud, I ask that you watch the video below.

Check out the video below.

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