How Evangelist Mama Pat Agradaa Celebrated Her Birthday With Her Kids And New Boyfriend Asiamah

How Evangelist Mama Pat Agradaa Celebrated Her Birthday With Her Kids And New Boyfriend Asiamah

Agradaa crowned her birthday week with a party in church over the weekend.

Evangelist Mama Pat Agradaa crowned her birthday celebration with a party in her church.

Having celebrated her birthday on Wednesday October 18, she saved the best for church yesterday.

Evangelist Mama Pat was joined by her junior pastor Asiamah who is now her boyfriend to cut the birthday cake.

Her little daughters could be seen with smiles on their faces as their mother and her church members sing the birthday song.

Evangelist Mama Pat Agradaa is believed to be in her mid 50s.

Read Also: Agradaa Cries As She Recounts How Her Mother’s Sister Made Her Father Cry By Scamming Her Of Golden Clock

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